i hope it ends with some happy endings. Retirements and such. Maybe someone stays to lead the new incarnation of the new more official Guardians, like maybe Rocket. And Adam joins. and then we can add others from the comic, like Nova, or Quasar, or Moondragon,

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If goes out in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 w/o Gunn & Co. addressing possibility his daughter from comics, is alive (perhaps even partnered w/ that would be the biggest missed opportunities for that character

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Phyla-Vell, Moondragon, Angela, Sera, Jazinda, and Lauri-Ell https://t.co/fEhvxsCsJD

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Not only is Valkyrie ready to battle Moondragon, but she’s calling in the rest of the Valkyrior to help!

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1. Moondragon, from Marvel Comics

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Iron Man (2020)
Hellcat has help from her friend and psychic mentor Moondragon, to try and reclaim her powerful mental abilities. Writer Christopher Cantwell, Artist Angel Unzueta, Colorist Frank D’Armata: It’s good thing I love Patsy Walker, because Iron Man is a no show. 4/5

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Sersi, Moondragon, Sif, or Gamora?

If you created a Marvel team and had to pick one of these, who would have the most story potential? Who would you add?

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The New Defenders # 151 by Kevin Nowlan.
In a fight with Manslaughter, Interloper intervenes & brings back Moondragon, just in time for it's demise!!! 

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Moondragon, if Kevin Feige knows what's best for business. In any case, XIX, you know my request for cosplay. 😉

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