My main self insert OC (#MortalKombat's character, a Kung Lao's student and couple), in her younger times ✨🥺

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Let's play! I've created this # for fun!
Did anyone created an (#OriginalCharacter), and did a about this OC?
your creations!

She's my Flo, my a personal and (And my '16/'17 sessions)

1 8

MKL: Scorpion's Revenge (8/10) - JustMKollum's Review Part 1: (The Good)
The Gore: 10/10. I think the gore in exceeded my expectations, as it matched up to par PERFECTLY with standards. Definitely the bloodiest cartoon I've seen, personally.

1 9

I finally finished a large project of my take on Hydro sparring with OC Mantis in the hot springs!

3 10