🐟Manta moth toxa adopt!🐟

you can offer:
- money (+$15)
- art (no more than 5 drawings) --> preferable as add on!
✨AB: $50✨

comment to offer!


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My latest piece is available for purchase for $30 or best offer. Took 5+ hours to design. Once purchased you’ll receive the transparent png file for your tattoo artist via email. Dm for more details.

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MassArt Art Museum の新しいロゴタイプ、”

という美術館側からの無理難題に対し が出した答えがこれ。


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"Breathing in whimsy" - My Spoonflower's "Moth" design challenge entry for this week. If you have a spare time to cast your vote, I would gladly appreciate it. Thank you! This is the link https://t.co/dfARAiZL0p

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