Looking down at her smugly, he reached into his jacket. "Well, I believe that I may have something that will make amends." Maria watched curiously as he revealed a pearl white masquerade mask with a golden trim at the crown set with a heart crest.

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Unknown to Maria, Marcus had sneaked up behind to gently grasp her shoulders, grinning his usual quirky grin as he surveyed them both in their room's mirror. "Careful, dear, you'll get stuck like that if you stare too long!"

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One such room houses the famed private investigator Maria Lorenzo and her jovial opera singing giant of a husband, Marcus Michaels. As Marcus fiddles with something over his suitcase on the lounge chair, Maria contemplates the evening about to unfold.

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It's a calm night upon the Louisiana River. Cicadas buzz, crickets chirp, and frogs croak, creating a pleasant cacophony of noise under the whirring of the steamboat blades cutting through the water.

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