Remington : affiche signée Leonetto Cappiello (1875-1942)
Imprimeur Vercasson (Paris, 6 rue Martel) : 1913
1 lithogr., en coul. ; 320 x 200 cm

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1727, Thomas Gainsborough baptised, Sudbury, Suffolk. Leading portrait painter & famed for wonderful 'fancy pictures' & landscapes. My favourites are these paintings of his daughters Mary & Margaret

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We're all missing being and meeting up with our extended family - charcoal drawing by Samantha Wilson, 2014 from collection

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Per l’hashtag vi proponiamo una foto di Giorgia, una nostra giovane visitatrice che durante la quarantena ha reinterpretato la celebre scultura del Cristo velato, distendendosi sul basamento del camino di casa sua, avvolta in un lenzuolo.

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To get in the mood for this year's STICK conference, Art & Industry, why not enjoy marvellous virtual tour of Norman Cornish: The Definitive Collection?

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La compañera de Àncora - Cultura del Mar recrea uno de los retratos de la artista Tamara de Lempicka.

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Last but not least: Emilia Gubitosi! She was the first woman to graduate in Composition in 1906, in a society where women were forbidden to do that. She is the protagonist of a comics too! Free download here>>

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