📢✨Last but not least, we have the final reveal for

It's and his new character!

"A sharp knife is essential to cooking a great meal!"

💬 Leave your theories about this new character in the replies down below! 👇

49 670

📢✨Today is the final day of reveals for
you're up!

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking"

"I'm not who you think I am. I'm far worse"

💬 Leave your theories about this new character in the replies down below!👇

44 553

📢✨Another day, more character reveals for It's your turn !

"Calm your breathing. Control yourself. Stay hidden. Survive."

"I promise to always be with you..."

💬 Leave your theories about this new character in the replies down below! 👇

39 543