Emotional Reactions to Stuffed Animals After Pet Loss | MyPetsies© https://t.co/461s3jv2kR より


55 179

featuring cats (plus, the cat couple as kittens)

142 1180

Short description in the replies🐱

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Short description in the replies🐱

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Short description in the replies🐱

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Today is my birthday 😃
Most of my pets Is a family of parrots.
and one guinea pig at 6 years old
I spend more time playing with them than writing cartoons.🤣

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Drew my pets as humans lmao, my three dogs, the big guy is Hector, the girl is Marylou and the little guy is their son, Cinnamon
Do not repost without permission

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So lovely peeps, tomorrow are celebrating the wonderful book by and . They are giving away 50,000 copies to families across the UK. Watch Rosi's live drawing video at 11am. Find fun things to do at https://t.co/mvdGEFORF1

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Here's a cute picture of Elli to brighten your day!

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When you watch own two rabbits and can draw... does this make me a furry?

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Doesn't she look cozy? Elli loves this blanket that made! I uhhh... Almost sat on her though. I didn't see her lol. Sorry, Elli!!

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Some cute photos of my Elli. I tried getting some of Willow, but she never stays still when the camera is out lol.

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Un dibujo en memoria de mis bebés ;u; Twyla y los bichos!!~

Extraño mucho a ese monton de bolas de pelos UwU

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