Mystique. Rewatched X-Men Days of Future Past, it's actually very well done with an all star cast~

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Can't believe I feel this way, but her traditional costume is way cooler than her being naked. 15/18, Mystique.

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The Krakoan era has REALLY caused me to love Mystique.

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mystique!! im a dc typa guy, but mystique... shes my babe. i havent been able to finish a drawing in a while but i finally finished this. i actually made the lineart like last year?? but i ifnished it now :)

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my baby’s face card NEVER declines. no character design will ever reach his level of gorgeous, ethereal mystique. he is the very definition of sublime; his beauty is delightfully horrifying. the gods manifested in yana’s hand when she drew him. he is a gift from the heavens.

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The ridiculous period of time where Emma Frost was portrayed as more evil than Mystique. At least they were still serving looks.

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18. Mystique. A sitcom staple, the character who blows in from out of town and always, always leaves the place worse than when she found it. She does the wrong thing for the right reason, the wrong reason, or no reason at all. Girl just 💙s doing the wrong thing.

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13) We like X-Men: Days of Future Past, but it never recovers from the twist when Magneto tries to murder (the inferior Jennifer Lawrence) Mystique. Too long and repeats too much from prior films. Not nearly as good or resonant as the original comics.

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Doing a challenge on Instagram of Marvel characters. Today was Mystique.

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Minwu is very invested in maintaining ambiguity about whether or not he fucks because he thinks it's an essential part of his mystique. "Have I fucked? Ohoho, what do you think~?"

In reality, he has fucked and it isn't very interesting.

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More pictures of my girl on SL because I am obsessed with her! I am mystique.starchild on SL

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Ok, I think my crew is ready for the 4v4 breaking jam now. Bboy Thing, Night Crawler, Wolverine, and Bgirl Mystique.

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Warmup - Mystique. Real rush on this one.

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This is a weird detail I noticed sometimes with Super Sonic that may or may not have been intentional. In old depictions of him they didn't show his mouth and I really think that added to the mystique. You couldn't tell if he was having fun or being dead serious.

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You can make one Marvel character explicitly trans, who are you picking? Here I'll go: Mystique. We retcon Raven & Irene to be Kurt’s birth parents, Azazel was just trade (like Sabretooth)

“She’s trans aLL oF a SuDdEn??” No ✨she has always been✨ a nonbinary trans femme lesbian

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Moi c'est Raven. Raven Darkhölme,
mais on m'appelle surtout mystique.

Je dégouline à l'idée de vous voir débarquer.

Alors ❤️ et RT si tu est excité(e) . ~

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“That’s just it, Mystique. You’re not a wild card at all. You always betray your teammates.”

Uncanny X-Men (2016)

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Because the movie also makes them just robots essentially for the Celestials, and it just takes away magic and mystique. It also brings into the question on why the fuck would you make a deaf robot.

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