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As you know @kanister_mtg 🇵🇱 won #MythicChampionshipVII with Jund Sacrifice!🎉🎊✨ He was undefeated after all and here is his tournament report with possible changes in the future!
"Becoming MC VII Champion"
#HareruyaPros @bertuuuu 🇧🇷 chose an interesting Simic Ramp deck at the #MythicChampionshipVII and here is a deckguide! If you want to know the testing process/Tips/Sideboard Guide, do not miss his first article on Hareruya!
"Perfect Guide to Simic Ramp"
It's Friday Night Magic tiiiiiime!
Where? Your local game store, found at https://t.co/i1RKICZrwM.
When? Tonight.
Why? Because squirrels, probably.
Can't make it? That's okay, you can watch #MythicChampionshipVII on https://t.co/nUzYF5lf0v all weekend too.
Fan 🎨 by @Firos_Art
【拡散希望】#MythicChampionshipVII 日本語放送内 #マジック相談室 宛に実況・解説陣への質問をハッシュタグ付きでつぶやこう!抽選で3名様に「日本限定チャレンジャーデッキ」2種セットをプレゼント!締切は最終日放送終了まで!