Wanted to try a different way of doing lineart- whatdya think?


4 14

Another c0mm I received recently. Felt proud of this, so decided to make this one public- plus it's been a while since I've posted something outside of P LOL

先日いただいたもう一つのリクエスト。これは本当に自慢の一品です 気に入ってもらえるといいのですが〜。#N13Art

3 11

Just won my first raffle! This adorable Foxion character from inn13art on Deviantart. You should definitely check them out if you like adopts, some amazing artwork there!

3 4

Happy Halloween!


7 31

Раtrеоn exclusive from earlier this year - Be sure to рIеdgе if you wanna see hi-res versions of all posts as well as the occasional WIP and раtrоn exclusive!



6 25