Just read a wiki article about in the timeline of Code Geass, Continental Army failed the rebellion against British Empire, and Napoleon kicked the Monarchy out of the British Isles.

I'm interested in this world lore.

0 3

You have no idea how many people became Napoleonic War Reenactors over just this series. https://t.co/GDcLNhvpRz

1 47

Eleonore Prochaska(1785-1813),"die Potsdamer Jeanne d'Arc" (1/1)

45 325

commission——space Napoleonic Wars uniform (1/1)

38 362

I never thought a piece of art I posted would get over 100k views in 48 hours. 🎉🎉🎉Thanks so much for the likes & I'll drawing more Napoleonic War artwork afterward!

48 1428

1812 Преображенский лейб-гвардии полк (1/1)

895 10160

CR-21 [Commission]

I didn't know Commander is actually Napoleon

89 554

Skeb 戦列艦napoleonとHMS Duncanに基づいた19世紀オリジナル戦列艦

14 70

Napoleon crossing the Alps on a mule

411 3621

Commission work from @/napoleonframe.jpg on ig
Thank you for commissioning me~!

11 26

Swedish dragoon charge during Napoleonic war

30 154

First two Drafts Ready

Napoleon from FGO
Renji Abarai from Bleach

5 28

ナポレオン戦争 斉射後に前進するハイランダーとそれを迎え撃つフランス擲弾兵

Napoleonic Wars: Highlanders advancing after volley fire and French grenadiers attacking them.

72 281

ナポレオン戦争 イギリス 王立騎馬砲兵

Napoleonic Wars , British , Royal Horse Artillery

52 332

ナポレオン戦争 フランス大陸軍 ポーランド槍騎兵

Napoleonic Wars , French Imperial Army , Polish Lancers

126 494

ナポレオン戦争 イギリス第95ライフル連隊

Napoleonic Wars , British , 95th Rifles

414 2025

ナポレオン大陸軍 騎馬砲兵

Napoleonic Wars ,French The Great Army ,Horse artillery

336 1593