NeoWisemon 😮💚 Doble Spirit (FAN ART) Que te pareció? Comentanos


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Hu tao

Cometa NEOWISE sobre os Alpes Suíços

lindo parece o fim do mundo

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Thinking of Minting these 2 images of Neowise as part of a 3 piece Genesis series What are you’re thoughts? 😳

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Can’t believe we won’t see Neowise again for 6700 years! 🤯☄️

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Even though I like bold illustrative designs I can also draw detailed! :O these are some of my favourite surreal pieces I’ve done digitally
Neowise Comet + Rowan Tree
If you wonder why I made them or their meaning just ask!

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I miss Neowise comet 😢

Anyways, Ranboo and Neowise
Never tried drawing without lineart it’s scary and difficult

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As always , im thinking ahead with my labour of love, being my Night Views calendar ! I have 2 images which are front cover candidates. And id like to give it to you good people to decide from these 2,
Many thanks folks !-) so its A , Orion or
B Neowise

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Happy NY, everyone! Here’s a Christmas gift I painted for my brother in law who’s a big Lovecraft fan.

It’s partially inspired by when we watched the comet Neowise with his telescope.

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A selection of my favourite Milky Way and Astro images from 2020, Comet Neowise was definitely the highlight of the year for me, happy new year to you all thank you for your support during 2020.

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These shots are just incredible 🌙. A stack of three images taken in July by while waiting on Comet Neowise to appear over the ☄️.

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For a challenge i did from Instagram.

Character name: Neowise
Original Creator: _eatslugs (Instagram)
[The last image is from the original Artist]

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What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
August newsletter: Persistence of Vision

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Dinoboi Komik special issue - Comet Neowise! 🎉☄️

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Here is one last shot of I haven't shared yet. This is from 2 weeks ago when it was at it's best, over the Crazy Mountains of Montana.

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here a simple drawing and without much detail

Because one of the most impressive and beautiful astronomical phenomena occurs these days, El Cometa Neowise
Helix and Av traveled outside the city fue watch to Neowise the comet


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days in a
parking lot


last saw
years ago (Too
cloudy last trip)

Dream like
a link in the

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We’ll soon be biding farewell to as it continues into the far reaches of space.
About about 103m. km from Earth, the light we see or capture with cameras takes 5 mins 46 secs to reach Earth.
An amazing experience to say the least☄️

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Sportsfest Bonus Round 3 title prompt: A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay. Inspired by the song lyrics and the NEOWISE comet. Forrest bkgd courtesy CSP.

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July 23 is Hale-Bopp's 25th year after its discovery, and NEOWISE is on the perigee at present. happy idk-how-to-call-day.

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