"I can't believe you stole my hair Pico! 😩✨"
omg Otis hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂

20 116

The Neo Mod AU has somewhat make me feel conflicted cuz of Pico's design xD I just can help to look at him and think "Otis...?" hahaha so I wonder how Otis will look in this AU and make some sketch of my take on him I think I like it :)

31 258


45 114

NEO Softie and Toughie🥺

+reference used
(CREDIT: JellyFishedm and Neo Mod FNF developers)

1 3


1 9

Neo 3.0 Hype- Drew Neo Michael ( Neo BB) As icon for people to use if they want. Enjoy make sure to credit me if you use these as icons

65 299

Neo BB? ( Neo Michael) ( Neo BF can't have a Big Brother so that's why this design looks so different from Neo BF) Street panter and wrapper :) (slight soft pico inspiration as well) he's cocky bastard :)) probably friends with neo pico.

82 360

Generative Artwork 0057
Modern vector pattern illustration of neomodernism stylistics built with neon-colored elements and geometric abstract shapes. Horizontal composition.

1 5

Generative Artwork 0054
Generative vector artwork with neomodern aesthetics made with abstract geometric shapes and various figures. Horizontal composition.

3 5

This was literally a doodle and I spaced out and rendered it what even-

10 72