The minting of the new collection will start on September 5 on Binance. A roadmap will be published in two weeks.

2 12

A mixture of mysticism, horror and fantasy - this is the concept of the next I reveal one more of the unique tokens. Soon.

1 2

Oh no, BenderTez was bitten by bees. They have steel stingers! Put 💛 to cure him and save him from these cases.

1 6

Bright style of . Now this is my token - purchase from the last drop. Thanks!

5 10

This unusual goldfish grants wishes. Join the miracle. In my head

3 10

«In my head» in support of children with 15% of the sale will be transferred to a center for helping such children in Russia.

In my head - 25$XTZ

2 9

My purchase after the last drop. Thanks Hope it brings us good luck.

4 9

My choice from the last Thank you all and especially for the great work!

0 9

Another new great collection? Yes! That's it! From 101 pieces. Uploading TiсketMask for a virtual carnival Who is hiding behind the mask, no one will know. Wait!#NFTСommmunity

0 7