Hey everyone! We need to get these 73 sold out. No / /#AlphaX / / / /#nftdao stuff. We need to do it organically. If you see what we’ve been posting buy a genesis The rest of the project falls into place.

2 5

The founders of and have developed the FIRST DAO of DAOs with
Reasons to hodl - 🫠
⭐Reward System LIVE!
⭐Holder raffles
⭐Automatic Allow list
⭐Merch Store discounts
⭐NFT Royalties
+ Much more!

59 73

We are building a Brand, .
We want to turn it over to DAO and manage it in a democratic and decentralized way.


Join us: https://t.co/LTus27qlwV

16 28



5 12

I welcomed this cute little girl today!🥳
All of Kawaii Factory's collections are adorable!❤
This is one of the best NFT's I've seen so far!✨

plz check👉

5 10

Do you have your hands on Ameda? A shockingly amazing hacker who has just asked to join Sevens.


12 42

Do you have your hands on Lorenzo? A daring member of Sevens who would give anything to take The Order down... or so we think🤞


9 26

Meet Timothy, a new member of the hackers who has mysteriously just moved to town
If you have any of these NFTs, you've got your hands on Timothy

15 42

Meet Alistair, the founding member of the hackers
If you have any of these NFTs, you've got your hands on Alistair

23 53


Each ZERO NFT is 1 Lottery Ticket for

Re-Roll Announcement in Discord!


, , given out!
Proof on TW & Disc

27 51

I got these Diamond Eyes to match my Diamond Hands. As a member of the BZC Kings Council I have the privilege and responsibility of an acting member of a DAO! And my sweat equity is rewarded! https://t.co/twhZLyiDf1

8 18

호들섬으로 오세요 이게 바로
그 핫하다는 호들섬 입주조건입니다
저랑같이 주차하러갑시다!
우리 모두모여서ㅋ영앤리치 호들러가됩시다!
아 ! 거리두기는 필수! 😷
아! 요즘은 클레이튼 느프트가 대세인거알죠?
호들러는 클레이튼 느프트입니다!

0 1

서울 용산구 이촌동 303-146
호들은 '호랑이가 노닐던 징검돌'이란 뜻에서 유래되었습니다. 호들섬은 서울 한강의 중심에 자리잡은 인공섬이며, 이곳에 사는 사람들은 호들러라고 불립니다.
이미 예비입주자가 줄을 섰습니다!
어서 오셔서 호들섬 주차장에 주차합시다!

2 1