GM all! 🌻, Im back! anw, this is my artwork for x , "Together".
What do you think? :D

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Third NFT
Needed a waifu to accompany me through

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I started a silent comic on Instagram.30/30 pieces were created with ether myself or my queer + trans family in mind.A lot of us have had to serve the world in many ways,for peanuts and no safety.

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I have always wanted to make a difference with my art. To help my community in any way I can. I have always known, my illustrations would do that. My audience,when they tell me it makes them happy to be seen. I relate to that feeling, I know how uplifting that is

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On Mental Health Awareness Month my good friend residing in Miami was feeling low as.She hustles IG with promos,but couldn't bring herself to create... So I made this piece for her,so she would have one less thing to stress about.

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Another piece of my silent Comic collection. Excited to be 9 days into my journey. So much to absorb. Finding the right dicord is hard, but I'm sure will be worth the hunting. Manifesting my tribe "AAUUUUGGAHHHH" ksksksksks

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