New collection
Stamps World Voyage
198/5 edition
Listed for 5 tez
Available on

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Our minted NFTstamp have postel marking our logo A490 with artist name also have roman number for show the stamp editon and total stamp. That make all oir stamp are unique. 😉

Ethereum Blockchain available only

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This weeks mini collection is now pre-minted to $Yonix holders. Head over to discord and use our viewer to browse your collections 💕

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Yorning Yoniverse 💕
Today is snapshot day 🥳 fridays are the best! See your pre-minted allocations in our Yobot viewer later today. Beautiful pieces for todays drop 🤩 $yonix

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New stamp for the Yoniverse stamp album by the talanted ❤️


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GM everyone.
Animated stamp for Midnight Dancer. I really enjoy made this animation. How do you think?
I repost because forgot the bracelet before😭

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Two new stamps for the stamp album. One is for the upcoming Origins community mined collection drop and one is for the lore art drop later this spring <3 Thanks for making these amazing collectables <3

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This is the stamp for the loyalty rewards of 24/12 😍 More christmas themed items will be revealed soon <3

Also dont miss the xBear collab snapshot this coming friday ^^


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