who is the good boy?

5 29

Quite new to twitch and I found this ADORABLE DOGGO‼️ 🥺

and now he's 😍

9 43

Merry in bunny outfit
Unfortunately, I saw the outfit briefly once, but I knew immediately that I had to draw it!
… plz don’t mind the fact that I don’t know how to draw roses or even latex

You can’t see anything, but to be sure

7 39


6 61

Drew a smol Fanart for the awesome @/Merrydawg 🤩

Wasn’t sure if it was too lewd so I’m using the 18+ tag just to be sure xD

8 54

My back hurts but it was worth it

i want a phisc version NOW

5 17

i saw Shoto's dakimakura and wanted to do one for Merry, this is so good that doesen't even look like i mede it

i'm speechless, i'll do the back part now

13 91

finally I finished!!!here is the 3k followers thanks gift!enjoy it🥰🥩🥩
(including a mosaic version in it)

26 331


20 287

Please don't tremble, dear.🙌🏻💗💗

9 106

Ready for some magic? ~

i'm so glad that i stopped streaming my screen when he went on VC

if so i would get so embarrassed

4 18

hehehe, ikemerry in shibari. i'm gonna out sus rakusan at this rate XD btw, iris is the one who requested it be ikemerry and not femboy merry 🙃 (i go by he/him btw)

3 34

Take our money💰
Now I confess that it's sussy :D

11 215


This week's travel expenses are too big because I fly for the puppy every day

24 443


4 92