Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i

AI doesn't think sideways or upside-down yet. Try flipping or rotating the init image first, and a little digital touchup after

0 4

nwod er'uoy lit' tog ev'uoy lla ti evig uoy dnA
tog ev'yeht lla ti evig yeht dnA
tog ev'yeht lla ti evig yeht dnA

4 15

Made 2 new RPG characters recently.

The 1st is one I repurposed from nWoD for a FATE Accelerated group: Mickey McCartney AKA Lifejacket, anxious forcefield-making former getaway driver turned superhero

The 2nd is for a D&D oneshot: Kevus Bord, NE Rock Gnome Alchemist Artificer

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Me making gifs over here to train so I can start animating Discord Gifs for my NWOD server
My Starlng

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another one bites the dust

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i have drawn...- several dozens of vampires, so picking out just four is a torture, but i like nosferatu, tzimisce and ventrue the most

i'm not even going into all my changeling: the lost (though that's nwod/cod) because we'd be here all day 😂

0 18

One of these days I would really enjoy making the whole set for a larp and just... let the thing fly. I personally dont love W:TA, its not my fave, Im more of V:TM, or maybe C:TL if you wanna breakout the Nwod stuff but... none the less!

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Whenever I want to paint something very colorful I paint changelings 😁 This is Lucifere or Lucy, she is a Beast, windwing, resembling a pretty firefly. She is very attracted to everything shiny and lit in the darkness😆#changelingthelost

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Quick pic of my vampire, Katherine. :K

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Oh man! We were talking about tonight n i had to see how much of my old drawings i could find of my past characters n stumbled on a trove of Millie! My darkling leechfinger

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