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The annual ‘Year in Illustration’ from the NYT.
Many more from 2022 : https://t.co/NDubFm9IpS
Found a great reference photo of @NickGoepper [US] by @dougmillsnyt Doug Mills for the NYT. Looks like he could be a character out of Arcane!
#FreestyleSkiSketch #olympics #olympicSketch #drawingtheolympics #sketchingtheolympics #olympics2022 #WinterOlympics #BeijingOlympics
"Hambrienta", ilustración de Art, conserje de IUNYT.
#kessry #sarjishaaste kohta 5: vuonna 2021 ilmestynyt.
Kutittelipa silmäkulmia ja kaihersi kurkkua tämä Anne Muhosen uusin. Kaikin puolin tasapainoinen sarjakuva. Nimessä kivasti monimerkityksellisyyttä. Ei erityisen yllättävä, mutta ihana hyvän mielen arkitarina.
Been itching to commission an #artist to render one of the hardest working journalists of our time— Pulitzer winner @nhannahjones of #NYT. That day has come! Thx #AgataNowicka. 💕
tudei we habb 3 muuvis fer muuvi nyt. so i'll habb 3 doodels fer tuhnait as well owO
dis is 2 of 3 Owo;;;
🗣 KAKAO BOOKS publicará CEMETERY BOYS en 2021 🗣
CEMETERY BOYS de @aidenschmaiden acaba de entrar en los más vendidos del NYT. ¡Autor trans y libro con protagonista trans!
Yadriel debe demostrar que es un brujo, pero ha invocado a un fantasma del que no se puede deshacer...🧟
@PrsnVt Huh, you’re accepting requests... welp I’m just gonna leave this here. Enjoy mylanyt.
I have this artwork by @mollycrabapple above my desk at the NYT. It has a line from Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgo which reads, “I gamble everything to be what I am.”
It’s a reminder of the sources who take a stance every day by speaking to us, and speaking truth to power.
Alt inniu ar an NYT. Seo cuid de.
@nuachainteoir @SatyaNiGhilin @Beirneach @aonghusoha @barryscanlon