I searched for EVER for a likeness to my 2 characters and just DID IT ❤️😇💋look how lovely they are

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With over, I can finally get back to art-ing! Woo!

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Day 22: 35,872 words

Clocking out early since it's cold enough to break out the thermals. THERMALS.

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We begin to slow down as a groaning is heard from the front seat. “What’s goin’ on out here, some kinda concert!?” the man in the front screams. Is this all part of that game they were talking about?

Read the full entry here: https://t.co/9f29G1kumB

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I feel like it’s okay to end this day at 18k+ word count and continue tomorrow. It’s 8000+ new words today so...
Tomorrow I get myself to the right number.

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The scene I wrote between 9:00 and 9:30 made me cry a few times. I hope this is an indicator of what's to come.

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Okay, so I said I was gonna talk about the dominant religion of Vallatu, BUT Brynjar Feyseeker and his family really wanted their NPC spotlight. Brynjar is a good example of the world is like for a human man caught up in the fey realm.

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Yesterday's Word Count (Day 1):

Today's Word Count (Day 2):

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Day 1 of and I'm 1800 words in. FeelsGoodMan.

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I can't decide if I want to use book 4, the Extended Edition of Subverter (#lostroadchronicles book 2), or the rewrite of my first novel for Ahhh, decisions!

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