I didn’t make any actual bday art this year so here’s something else I drew for Nagisa’s birthday 🥳

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Rei: Nagisa-kun... But we just ate a quesabirria
Nagisa: We need to find out why people line up to eat one of those, Rei-chan.
Nagisa just goes for a walk to eat

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✨ ¡RECORDATORIO! Es una regla... todo par de mejores amigos siempre tiene otro amigo más que dedica su tiempo libre a emparejarlos en su mente ❤️

💛 ➡️ 💚💙
💜 ➡️ 💚❤️

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i finally finished this, nagisa and a big omanjuu rei plush
.・゜-: ✧ :- 🐧 ♡ 🦋 .

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are gay swimmers still cool or no? 🏊‍♂️


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my hand slipped while clip was open and i sketched a trans nagisa for self care

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