I know I’m a little late on the dress, but here we go, all ready for the wedding, thank you , and for being amazing wifeys :D

🎨 - @/ArteMimik

10 58

Hihi Astrals, I’m bored, so here’s the deal:

Drop your best pickup lines below, and I’ll rate how flustered I am from one to five, if you get a 4 or 5, I’ll drop you follow :3

8 37

Gmorning Astrals! How’re we all doing today? Oh yeah, I may have a surprise later today, but for now, let’s do another get to know me! :3

2 24

Gnight Astrals! Today’s been nice, and here’s to hoping we hit those follower goals so I can drop some lore :3

While I sleep, let’s bring back an old trend, drop your PNGs below and I’ll give you a rating when I wake up! :D

14 61

I’ve seen this a couple times so I’ll post it as well, how do you all think I sit! Hint, there may be more than one way :3

0 13

That was a nice stream i ended up raiding @/Lunithari_VT yall should go check her out!!!! ALSO SORRY I JUST RELIZED I WONT BE ABLE TO STREAM TILL FRIDAY SINCE I AM GOING CAMPING!!!

4 15

Drop your pngs and ill rate you my Dear proxies!

6 39

Good evening Astrals! Today’s been nice, went out to go see some family today? Question of the day, what’s your DND class and race, and why? Let’s say, 100 likes, and I’ll give y’all mine as well! :3

6 37

Since im not affiliate i cant do a subathon IMMA DO A FOLLOWTHON WEEKEND!!!! it will be happening from the 26th to the 28th not sure what games imma play but it should be fun!!!!!

8 23

One reason why i should be in am LGBTQ+ 2 minecraft 3 i can make minecraft skins and cause just enough chaos on the server to keep it interesting!

3 21

Totally stolen from and (check them out :D) drop your PNGs below and I’ll give you a rating! ^^

7 66

Good morning Astrals! How’s everyone doing today? I slept in late but I’m feeling comfy :3

Question of the Day: If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where and why?

11 37

Goodnight Proxies that was a fun stream i should see you guys tommorow for another stream will update yall tommorow

7 18

I FINALLY GOT OBS SET UP we will be doing spoopy game night at 9pm MT I hope you can join me!!!

5 10

How has your morning been so far ive been adding assets to my pngtuber model by creme to use for spoopy game night tonight

5 11

Im going to be playing At Home Alone tommorow I will let you guys know a time tommorow! It should be some time in the evening!

6 13

Imma need more coffee to deal with this BS

5 20

Good morning Astrals! You may have seen earlier, but I made an alternate design for Candy with a picrew, this design is lore-related so now I’m curious, what do you all think it’s for? :D

12 57

You proxies like outfits like these correct?

6 15

What would you do with me and if we were all hanging out and if you arent following them yet do that rn

6 11