N∆N DIARY/05/02/2020.

🇧🇷 Selfie!!!

"I even try, but take a selfie by mouth, it's not for me...!!!"

2 16

N∆N DIARY/04/02/2020.

🇧🇷 Esquecimento!!!
🇯🇵 忘れました!!!

"I forgot about you, and the note I played to forget about you !!!"

2 18

N∆N DIARY/18/01/2020.

🇧🇷 Chuva!!!
🇯🇵 雨
📒🖍️ 05

"Taking a rain shower"

3 29

N∆N DIARY/16/01/2020.

🇧🇷 Gatinhos são fofos!!!
🇯🇵 子猫はかわいいです!!!
📒🖍️ 03

"Cats are cute, and seeing kitty Gifs on twitter make your day"

3 12

N∆N DIARY/16/01/2020.
🇧🇷 Minha Nossa!!!
🇯🇵 微妙

🤦🏽‍♂️99 %

That situation where your cell phone is 💯% charged, then you unplug it and it goes to 99%.

1 7