tehe! guys ini nih, mereka naro visionnya teh dimana deh kok gada, apa dititipin di mba mba penjaga arena ya?

cr : @/hoyofair_0

1 17

lihat, siapa yang halu....

saya bang

art by me!
coloring by
naro aing sendiri di tag asa gimana dah

0 4

it is so fucking funny that asu-naro makes the floormasters dress up in those elaborate sweets-themed ensembles. like imagine you're literally just some scientist and your boss is like "it's time for your shift in the death game, put on the melon cream soda gijinka costume"

1 3

Asal naro warna akwkkssks & the blue lines???

0 15

the set 😇 characterizations from look a little closer by naro moreau (as always link and profile below)

thanks for following a long with the progress on these, it’s been rly fun.

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15 29

halo numpang naro latest art! btw apakah ada yg mau ber☁️ (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

0 27

Me: liat konten orv tiap hari
Also me: salah naro belahan rambut jeha mulu.

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aku coba coret2 y nder. aslinya harus lbh merhatiin arah bayangan ada di mana, tapi karena sender naro bayangan di blkg ku anggep aja bayangan di blkg. Warna merah untuk posisi (kira2 aja ngga persis) bayangan, terus biru itu nambah bayangan lagi yg kedua biar lebih ada volume.

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Aku lumayan pede sama caraku lighting, gak berlebihan dan bisa mendukung mood gambarnya, aku selalu naro cerita dalam gambarnya jadi gak keliatan boring, kyk knp kok karakternya bisa pose dan berekspresi demikian

Anatomi dan komposisi jg bagus, jadi kalo diliat ga off https://t.co/dycda7Mvmw

28 465

[절찬 연애중 48화 업로드 되었습니다.]
카카오 페이지 와 카카오 웹툰 에서 보실 수 있습니다.

8 23

Sekibanki for Ko-fi request by Naro

27 140

this has to be one of the COLDEST pieces of art out there.

15 20