Huge congratulations to & colleagues on this very exciting new publication! Elsa discovered this important fossil in 2017 while part of the NatSci family and the specimen now rest safely within our collection.

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National Science Week is fast approaching (11-19 August)! Educators - get the free 84-page resource book and 'Game Changers and Game Makers' poster for your classroom.

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Qld science heroes for - F.M.Bailey, botanist & acting curator of -

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science week at the Broncos wear the glasses for an awesome view of the fireworks

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Chemistry turns you on? - time to react to and bond Saturday 15 - 23 August

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The night sky astrophysics lecture Tamara Davis

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Get into science. Celebrate science week 15 - 23 August

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Making waves - the science of light Celebrate 15 - 23 August

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