Happy counts as a superhero. As Riley said in 's A New Man: "You're really strong. Like,
Spider-Man strong." And in the season 8 comics she was Superman strong in this homage to Superman's 1st appearance.

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Heard it’s If you’re looking for heroes look no further than the most action-packed novel of the year!

It’s about a young vigilante who goes undercover at a school for heroes, to find a thief among them and clear name.


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Happy Some personal creations, some dream gigs 😏

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This is my team, the I created these guys back in high school. The second drawing I did when I was 16 years old. I was a big fan of and so I tried to draw like him and detail everything!

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Happy Who's your TOP hero?
A- Space Cadet
B- Naked Justice
C- Mako Finn
D- Camili-Cat
E- Someone else?

22 208

Happy I hope it gives you that Peter Tingle!

5 19

Happy My favorite, of course, is as evidenced by this rocking photo of my sis and me. Learn WW's origin story in A TRUE WONDER, illus. from .

6 18

Happy Peace out... unless you have something to fight for!

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Happy This is my Infinix, a dimension-shifting do-gooder... I'd like to get to know other superheroes that personally represent their creators! (Art credit: )

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Happy Here's a sketch of my favorite superhero! 💚🏹

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Seems like a good time to launch the for the 50th anniversary, all-star graphic novel starring the underground Russian superhero.


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Happy Just for fun... who do you think is the most powerful superhero (or hero) of

-We'll take the top 4 & make a poll
-More than one answer is fine
-No villains
-No western characters
-Images are just suggestions of source material

6 18

Happy Here are 'a few' of our favorite iconic heroes❤️

There's honestly too many to list. Comment with your favorite!

23 69

A BRAND NEW Outliners comic, hot off the presses for (I literally just finished) 😅

I'd imagine 's dad joke game is pretty strong

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