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The beautiful ballet of a Cirrothauma magna, a species of deep sea cirrate octopus. It made its grand entrance right at the 8-12 shift change, in this unexplored part of Davidson Seamount in @MBNMS at 3200m. #NautilusLive @sanctuaries @EVNautilus 🐙
Seastar eating a rock fish. #NautilusLive
Flapjack octopus and a friendly fish. This is too cute 🥰
#NautilusLive 🐙 https://t.co/E867eM0JPt
Very nice scene 🌊 Loving that flatfish to the right 🐡
Large sponge with a galatheid crab 🦀 on #NautilusLive
#Crab #Sponge #Nautilus #Dive 🌊
There’s still hope, we still can make it happen. Sharks worth more alive than dead.
Photo by @david_valencia_photography
#SilkySharks #NautilusDiveAdventures #NautilusLiveAboards #Socorro #Mexico #Baja #Dive #Scuba #DiveWithSharks #Ocean #SharkSchool #Silky #MigratorySpecies
#octopus! In time for #CephalopodWeek. looking for methane bubbles near Eel River at 1805m 🐙 #nautiluslive