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Don't count Neku out for Smash DLC! With a sequel potentially on the way, and Nomura + the TWEWY team's passion for the series, a realistic push for Neku to join is there, so until he's deconfirmed, I'm going to keep hoping!

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If the 7th of July (7) Fighter 77, CP 7 reveal rumour is true, just saying, Neku can definitely show up and it fits.

13 44

All right Players! If Neku makes it into Smash, what should his Boxing Ring Title be? A few ideas that come to mind are “The Psyche Whiz”, “Mr. Twister” and “The Composer’s Chosen One”, But we’d LOVE to hear your suggestions!

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Neku’s character development from beginning to end is amazing. He goes from being an introvert who only stuck around with Shiki to survive, to becoming the best of friends with her. His growth is one of the reasons why Neku is one of my favourite RPG protagonists.

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Never noticed this before.. This is from the original game too which came out before Brawl

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