[Flat color commission] Nell (Desire Pandora)

212 1587


スペース:西4 さ15b(sand nell)


4 13

- Maidens in Masquerade | NELL -


38 218


URL https://t.co/TvCRBc5I5Y

25 199

Twin birds: Nell and Ninai

67 244

A new episode of Steamgear Inc. is out on Webtoon!


Nell is here to save the day... but it seems like more than one bandit uses magnets to fight!

Patreon: https://t.co/gr4cChpSrv

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💌 I wanted to go back and do this, but I was struggling because besides myself, Nell isn't really based on other characters. Maybe in her ambition, reserved nature, or style, but even those are part of myself! 💚

(Sailor Neptune ~ Sayaka Igarashi ~ Nana Osaki ~ Cookie Booker)

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... Siamo luci

in cammino nell'Azzurro,
sospinte dal vento.

(Maria Letizia Del Zompo)

Marc Chagall

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it was certainly a thing in illustration, no? e.g. Nell Brinkley

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QWT with your faces (Mini Nell edition hehe )💜 https://t.co/rxxRz4eKy2

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C'è una stagione, cuor mio, per cogliere
l'amore: è giovinezza...
Ch'io possa amare e nell'amore
trovare grazia adesso:
non inseguire, cuore mio, una meta
per te troppo lontana.

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A new episode of Steamgear Inc. is up on Webtoon!


A call comes in while Nell is chatting up the Defenders - could this spell trouble for our heroes?!

Patreon: https://t.co/gr4cChqqh3

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La profondità non ha misura
Avvolge e raccoglie
Ci veste di sorrisi
acuti e infiniti
Come un respiro chiaro
che imperla il volto
di benessere

Fame e sete
che troneggia
nell'attimo giunto
Di questo eterno
viaggio da vivere

Mentre "porto in salvo le parole"


20 47

O frenetiche notti!
Se fossi accanto a te,
Queste notti frenetiche sarebbero
La nostra estasi!
Futili i venti
A un cuore in porto:
Via la bussola,
Via la carta
Remare nell’Eden!
Ah, il mare!
Se potessi stanotte
ancorarmi in te!

Emily Dickinson

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💌 Slow day today, been working on new freebie stickers for orders. Diantha and Nell’s Gardevoir 🤲✨💚

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Today's the day! Nell will either be causing a small apocalypse or get her ass roasted by the party in like a single round.

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