Love this addition to my disco.

Also claimed my discoin through this morning. 🪩

2 17

Heading to the Silk Toad to But my boy making a quick stop at the Lounge while we wait for to put his sexy mask on.

Claim your discoin at:

15 37

Added this GIGA clean Dude to my collection. I think its a cool pair for my VR+Solar girl i already have. 😍
SUPER hype for everything Neo-Miami! 🪐

13 68

Dressed up my disco with some new bling!

Thank you for all you do! This seems like a huge step forward for the ecosystem.

Minting with $DISCOIN was smooth, even from my ledger.

5 35

Flash discoin auction in NeoMiami. This one is special folks, Ends in around 30 hours. Just posted and we already have a bid. Truly a jewel. Get in touch if you need help finding it. Discoin is still cheap, this would be listed much higher in Ada.

9 25

Discoin ($DISCO) is the community currency of NeoMiami was created when the "Charles PFP" was purchased for 125K $ADA and fractionalized

Earn $DISCO by simply holding or Discoin

You can buy $DISCO on

23 67

Going to be holding auctions for these 4 unsigs next in the NeoMiami server. You have to verify your wallet in the Neo Miami discord as a disco holder to participate. You can buy $disco on Meusliswap. Reach out if you need help finding the auction. Good luck!

14 36

This guy had made his way to 's ADA wallet and had become a part of the Doxxo Solaris collection in . Thank you for loving , kind sir!

3 24

I couldn't resist myself, Fall in love with this one $DISCO

Wanna stake with my disco family... which Stake pool should I join ?

7 60

Only 4 cops and only 2 Spacesuits on sale. Seems like very important traits and roles. Just saying

4 19

You and Deadpaint (Artist of DiscoSolaris) will be tagging the walls of NeoMiami together in no time at all.

1 6

Just Acquired my 7th and Rarest see you at

13 76

Received my first pieces as I was fortunate enough to be on the WL. What are the odds that I get 3 with the same hairstyle!?!? Not sure how I feel about that.

3 18