劇場版《刀劍神域 -Progressive- 無星夜的詠嘆調》臺灣2021年11月12日上映

戴上《NerveGear》與亞絲娜一起回到『刀劍神域』最初的原點-《Sword Art Online》


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I think will be fine after hearing Reki's comparison.

1. Bringing Yui to the real world is goal since 2 and brings the idea of Yui being a big sister.
2. She truly died if Kirito's Nervegear breaks or her data corrupts.

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Shout out to for helping me become the REAL Black Swordsman. Definitely a dope ass person to work with for commission....... When the hell can I get a Nervegear tho

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Seriously, when will they learn? This is "NerveGear X" a request I got for Asuna to be hypnotized. Enjoy!

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