Anime, Events, Merchandise, News....we got them ALL!!
Both Media and Free Market Service available!!
Come follow me for the latest info's and check out my service as well!!


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Hey guys‼️📣
Could you tell me the local otaku shop you have in your country??😉
I'm trying to send out flyers for my service overseas so that you can get in touch with me more easily!!😘
Please leave a comment with the name of the shop along with your country!!😆

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Thanks to all of you guys, users have been increasing day by day😍
The more users, the more chances you can get your requested items!!🍩
Come check it out and find out for your self!!😆

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Sorry for keeping you waiting!
We've fixed the existing bugs that were found at the moment!
Thanks for using NerzEx and we will do our best to improve this service!😊

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Hey guys!!
Thanks for using my service NerzEx!😘
We're in the stage of fixing a bug that has been found.
Due to that, there could be some inconvenience towards using NerzEx.......
We will let you know as soon as the bug is fixed!
Thank you for your cooperation!😊

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【Bug Announcement!!】
Hi, thanks for always looking at my tweets and articles that I post! I've released an service called "NerzExpress" and it is good to be able to help you guys out!!
However, I've found a bug and I'm working on it right now so sorry for the inconvenience!

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