画質 高画質

そこに咲く花まで枯らす鉄の雨 仕方ないなど裂けても言うな/新妻ネトラ

Never say "it's no big deal"
The iron rain kill that were just blooming.

2 8



74 370

my biggest mistake that makes my drawing never evolves is coz I always draws thing as "symbols", not as a "3d object"

it's like drawing a henohemoheji on a flat surface, which was the reason why my drawing never evolves ☠️

0 2

monster : "oh god I'm gonna d1e"
me : "time to capture... but, I don't wanna waste a trap/time. Time to wait until they move map!"
me : *waits*
monster : *never moves area*
me : "aw fuck, guess I'll bust the trap earlier then--"
monster : *moves area*

0 2

i dont have the full clip but heres my series of screenshots when i watched this ep. i can never be normal for them 😭😭😭 they kept calling each other's name everytime one of them gets hit in this scene too

2 50

Realized I've never drawn any LoP kemomimi (continues to leave kemomimi box unchecked)

35 140

Yana, with a look of ecstasy on her face, exclaimed:
"I will never be far away from you Mon... It's OUR reality after all!"

And they lived happily ever after. Their duet being heard across many universes, both having found their everlasting love and peace!

78 427

Since he never admit being lost, Robin made them these T-shirt. It works well.

417 2906

it's rare to see a piece of media with such mastery of being able to not take itself seriously, yet go hard when it demands you to do so - all in a way that feels earned and never jarring

oh and it has some of the best artwork in a weekly manga ever

please read dandadan

2 12

At least you know you'll never catch me lying to you about my intentions

0 2

New Sheet, I'll quote this whenever it is open. RT are appreciated! (Yes I love color pink)

9 104

Late night/early morning
there are two types of person, and I'm just like Al, never move even after I fall sleep😂

762 7119

3部じじい甲斐甲斐しいとこあるので実は元々そういう人だったりするかもということで何も起きない生存癒やし愛JC J器用ですよねたぶん

🫧You're good at washing someone's hair.
🌟Oh, yeah? I've never done it before, though.

30 199

pray for me to finish the hotspace cowboys shitty doujinshi faster so I could pretend that I never make it after it was done

0 8

PS3/Xboxにて日本・北米で発売された「Never Dead」イラストの1枚です。不死身の主人公の体がバラバラになりながらも戦うっていうぶっ飛んだゲームでしたw

32 147


she never had an emo phase please don’t look at her facebook photos

58 498

“i’ll never forgive kaiser corp” ahh face💀

431 4108

MinoMob 🦋🥛

"Hey guys, check out my new dog!"

I'm never letting Mob out of Mogamiland

80 484

To defeat the Legion, Velandria looked into the abyss for answers...

An unique suggestion for the poll... but an interesting one x3 I’ve drawn Velandria as elf, slime, demon, but never as draenei xD

74 526