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MAGES director Makoto Asada has announced that the Infinity visual novel series, which comprised of Never7 and Ever17, will be receiving remakes.


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Aiba just deleted Never7 from existence!

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back again with the final route of never7!! can we finish it today? i hope so!! i'm still disconnecting a ton but hold my hand and we'll push through!

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thank you guys for coming to the never7 stream1!!! sorry it's been so long since i last streamed it!! but we finally got through kurumi route! we protected her smile!! next time we start the final route!! gaoartsumi!!

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colored redraw of my fav scribble doodle i did while playing never7

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XCOM 2 has got me in a stranglehold, I'm so sorry... but gonna be streaming a bit of Never7 in a bit! Come by and cozy up!

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A day like today the story of the first game of our beloved series was completed, INFINITY cure.
Therefore let's celebrate the 22nd anniversary of never7!!! 🎉🎉🎉

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More Never7! Today we'll be dealing with the loud-mouthed Saki! IKZ!!!

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Thanks for stopping by and hanging out with me while I read through Never7! We finished Haruka route! Always be kind to children and see you guys next time for Saki's route tomorrow! Gao night! Thank you to for the raid! I hope u had fun reading Higurashi!

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What is your favorite Never7 ship?

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You can only select one of these for the Visual Novel of the Year Award: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Never7, Kud Wafter or Ever17?

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¿Sois apasionados de las saga Zero Escape o la más reciente AI: The Somnium Files? Pues estáis de suerte, porque y su equipo buscan traductores españoles para Never7, la primera gran obra del maestro. Posible proyecto latino si se apunta mucha gente latina :)

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izumi, outtainfinitiesssss

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Never7: The End of Infinity (2009)

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Never7 クリア

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