I couldn't watch the whole thing because that person's voice is so grating. What I did get out of it is that he appears to accuse Trudeau of having control of the weather! Does that mean the mini-mussolini thinks the PM is some sort of god? 🤔⚡️

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If you are unhappy with the way things are going in Canada… maybe think twice before blaming Trudeau.

38 111

Current mood.

Except now I have to clean that all up so I can send a weekly newsletter to families, finish my plans for this week, and work on progress reports.

Before I go, let me just say:

50 245

You mean the one you didn't support and then reluctantly put forth?
Fuck me you are the laziest, dumbest and most corrupt premier Ontario has ever had.

6 20

If you vote Conservative, you vote for corruption.

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If you vote Conservative, you vote for corruption.

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If you vote Conservative, you vote for corruption.

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