why did they dox him out of nowhere....... nintendo...

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I got some posters From MyNintendo.

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The rights to Aimaina has been bought by Nintendo.

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Hi, I'm Glacia ♡ I am a that loves drawing and Nintendo. Nice to meet you ! (*¯︶¯*)

❄️ https://t.co/FEyedtk9cS ❄️


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He hecho muchas cosas esta semana, principalmente de Pokémon, mi saga favorita de Nintendo.

Como siempre mis redes están en mi banner para quien quiera echarles un vistazo 💖

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This week we discuss one our favorite "not-quite-a-Final Fantasy" games: Super Mario RPG! We're joined by (author of Fight, Magic, Items) and discuss the peak of JRPGs in the 16bit-era, and Squaresoft's unique team-up with game giant Nintendo.

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Mario Day é a data especial dedicada à principal franquia de jogos da Nintendo, comemorada todo dia 10 de março (uma brincadeira com a palavra Mar10). O evento foi criado pela comunidade de fãs do game, e adotada pela Nintendo.

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At the end of a day in the first Pikmin game, there is a small chance you may encounter strange text in place of the usual captain's log
"Your Pikmin aren't safe"
"There's so much blood"
"I'm so scared. PLEASE HELP ME!"
These messages have never been acknowledged by Nintendo.

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Episode 2 of Clownery produced even more perfectly accurate Pokémon from memory! I think we should totally be hired Nintendo.

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what a piece of shit, all this for a f*cking Nintendo.

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Nintone Rei.
An easygoing and bright utauloid, Rei has a huge passion for Nintendo. Accordingly, aspects of her design are based off of well-known Nintendo consoles, like the N64, Wii, or Switch.

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Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade is a Japanese tactical role-playing game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. The game was released on March 29, 2002 in Japan as the sixth game in the Fire Emblem series, and the first of three games in the series released o

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New pfp, new style. 😎 Heavily inspired by 💜✨🎮

2 16

What about gold dynamo Nintendo...

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Games | Jogos a 70 dólares serão analisados “caso a caso” segundo a Nintendo. Fãs temiam que preço de novo ‘Zelda’ significasse uma nova política de preços da empresa: https://t.co/eX1QTzLQdk

(📸: Divulgação/N)

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Ración de palos de la mañana! The Combatribes, es un de que siempre me ha parecido que tenía un estilo gráfico muy peculiar. Eso sí, esa barra de vida con números, no acaba de convencerme, cosa que corrigieron en la conversión a Super Nintendo.

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So Golden Sun announced for switch... now what Nintendo...?

16 52

Okay you win this time. NINTENDO. But don't think I'll ever forget about this. Announcing pikmin is one thing. Announcing Katamari is another. But if your next direct doesn't even breath in the direct of Tomodatchi Life Oh boy you're in for the muckbanging of a life time. https://t.co/OuPFt8uBcv

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Mi entrega favorita de la saga Double Dragon, siempre será la segunda entrega de NES... Pero hay que reconocer que este Double Dragon Advance para es gloria bendita! Que maravilloso remake se curró para la portátil de Brutal!

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