Day 5 is here already! Todays word was given to me by my friend Olga. Her and of this joyful time is something we find ourselves through!

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I never really drew S3 Randolph so here he is in his full glory!! ✨

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"Old man trouble back again" ✨

aka THAT eccentric maverick 💖

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Here comes Professor Miller!!

it's such a bummer they won't continue the series tbh 😔

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Adding blocking to the game! The blue border on the healthbar is there as a reminder 😉

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Characters' abilities now appear under their portrait, instead of filling the tooltip below when you hovered them. Some players were wondering why they couldn't use their enemies' abilities!

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Updating our Steam assets in line with the name change of our game that is based on insulting people! Which is your favourite, A or B?

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I am loving on box sets. I am also loving the app. Saves me colouring in.

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