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ชื่อภาพ: ถ้าเราไม่อยากกินน้ำ ก็ให้กัดหลอดแล้วทำหน้าตามุ้งมิ้งเข้าไว้ 🌸✨🌸✨
Don't miss the newest edition of Storytime - coming out in November! 52 pages of wonderfully illustrated stories for young readers. Subscribe today https://t.co/es7m906b1H
#lovetoread #readingforpleasure
#noplastic #noadverts #reading #reluctantreaders
🖐🆘️🌬Clean Up Your Mess! LOVE MotherEarth🌏 ♻️
We all know the earth is in trouble.
Our main project: 🔁3R's : Reduse/Reuse/Recycle💙
💚🌳#planttrees over the world.
Goal for 2021/2022 : 110.000 trees❤🌳
#joinus #plant #cleanup #noplastic #nopollution #emforcharity #help
Excessive consumption = excessive waste. Time to turn the lights out on plastic waste. #NoPlasticWaste
FAQ page for the website devoted to the problem of plastic overloading the modern world.
More design solutions for this project in our Dribbble portfolio.
#Webdesign #uidesign #noplasticwaste
This planet is not ours to trash, but it's ours to save.
Plastic waste threatens the future of all living things. Be part of the solution.
@minderoo art commission by @muhammedsajidn
This is not a nightmare, we are eating our own plastic waste. When plastics enter our environment, they also enter the food chain, and eventually us.
Fix the system, break the cycle.
🎨 @Minderoo commission by @muhammedsajidn
Save yourself, save the planet.
#climatestrike #climatechange #climatejustice #planet #earth #home #water #future #life #globalwarming #extinctionrebellion #savetheplanet #noplastic #environment #vegan #rebellion
Pre-orders are out for @3MaisonsCouture zine !!!
And here is my preview about Claude !!! :D
All founds will go to OceanoPlastic 🌟
Buy it here :
#noplastic #noplasticinnature Découvrez l’histoire de Ralyn, une thaïlandaise de 12 ans qui est allée voir un grand supermarché de Bangkok pour demander aux dirigeants du magasin d’arrêter de distribuer des sacs plastique aux clients >> https://t.co/nhKHw2EFqZ
Hoy es el #DíaMundialsinBolsasDePlástico 🌱 🌎 tiene como objetivo concienciar sobre el peligro que estas representan para el medio ambiente.
Vivir #sinplástico, no solo es necesario, también es posible.
#Buenosdías #FelizMiércoles #NoPlastic #MedioAmbiente #Planeta
#NoPlasticChallenge : quinze jours pour s'affranchir du plastique. Du 22 mai au 5 juin, l’association No Plastic in My Sea organise un défi pour aider les citoyens à éliminer le plastique de leur quotidien, étape par étape.
@seaofnoplastic @noplasticfrance https://t.co/aqV6DJbvoq
I support #kidlit4climate and the young people who are fighting for their future. We've only got one planet and very little time to save it. 🌍🌱🌾
#SaveTheWorld #noplanetb #noplastic #climatestrike #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction #ClimateBreakdown #SOS #ticktock
Another detail shot on our latest piece #procreate #aquaboogie #dolphin #cartoon #teachkids #surfers #surfing #graffitiart #digitalart #noplastic #plasticfree #savetheocean #beachcleaning #boogalooshrimp #martinallen #applepencilart #oceanwaves #surferdude #dolphinlove
New ideas coming for next year, sneak peak of latest artwork for the Reef Rock Crew #surf #noplastic #cleanbeaches #AquaBoogie #ComingSoon
@ZigDezzig @ONUEnvironmt Bonjour, le #noplasticchallenge débute à l'occasion de la #JourneeMondialeDelEnvironnement . 10 jours, 10 gestes pour réduire notre impact plastique. Toutes les infos sur https://t.co/vVRxUPzLU4 .
Let's all keep our beautiful oceans clean - hang hooves!
#NoPlastic #WorldOceansDay