*hq warning spoiler manga

kebayang tim mereka di divisi 2 tanding dan alumni nekoma sama nohebi nontonin. yaku-san pasti bangga banget sama yuuki 😭💖

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*hq Nohebi's coach everyone....

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*hq selain daishou si kapten, ada kah anak nohebi yg kalian kenal? 😁

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Di *hq itu kan nama sekolahnya dari nama” hewan gitu kan, misalnya (neko)ma=kucing, (karasu)no=gagak, nohebi=ular.. sender taunya cuman itu, klo boleh tau sekolah lain dri nama hewan juga gak sih? klo iya apa aja lagi?

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Just here continuing to push the KuroShou agenda 🙃

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“fair and square” – nohebi academy

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Do you ever think you are in the wrong place?

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Thinking abt Nohebi and how despite how they’re clearly shown to be in the wrong, they’re still kids. We see the team be playful with each other, and we see how sweet Daishou is around Mika. I just love how even the most foul team in hq is still humanized

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Gender: male
Personality : Sakusa
Team/School: Nohebi
Number: 7
Face: Suna
Hair cut:Sakusa
Position: OH

เหมือนเมนชั่นแต่ละคนนัดกันมา😅😅 https://t.co/AVmPOhbgKL

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Quick and kinda messy but I finally sketched out Medusa Daishou 🐍
His ‘hair’ aka the snakes would be shoulder length because he doesnt want to hurt them by trimming them down 🥺

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