Guess I went straight back to Santa's naughty list 🍑👀
Nora looks good without glasses for a change, so I left her without them. Ranis horns are too thin, but no can do now 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Unbearable craving for juicy titfuck (inspiring song linked huehue), but I didn't bother to put full effort at least now, so this will do~
If I'll polish this, must add nipple peeks ♥️

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I'm having mania after many years and already tweeted to my basic account how I imagined my OC-trio as GG-characters 🙈
But I don't want to put too much time/effort, so I did this overdraw(?)-thing with simple coloring - two left!

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Wow, finally finished..😅 Still not pleased, that blood is just UGH, but again I just gave up due my frustration XD
I hope some of you like this and feel some urge to join to her erotic, bloody ritual~ 😜 ♥

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WIP piece with some base colors and gradients and so, I'm not sure will colors change much in final result or what 🤔

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She's so indecisive about her underboob tattoo, but please enjoy of her sexy thickness~ 🤤✨

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My wrist hurts, might be mild tenosynovitis so fuck this now :F

Perspective/profile is quite off and I hate her jawline, BUT I just had to draw her milking some juicy dick with that long, wet, sperm-sponge tongue~

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Quite ready ✨ Not sure what to add on bg, should I make clothed version too, and what not.. But surprisingly, I actually like this o_o'

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Basic art/OC; Nora Renita Mordax. Obviously she's my most drawn OC/persona, so she appears in my art quite much~

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NSFW; 3/4 commissioned by Lassic (dA). My OCs; Nora Mordax. Sisters Elizebéth & Alessandra, and their mom Cassandra Bathory with little Lassic

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Semi-realism; My OCs Elizébeth Bathory & Nora Mordax, Lassic (dA) and Marilyn Monroe.
Gosh, Noras mouth/nose is a bit off and Marilyns teeth not so "polished" :'D

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