"Sorry emma, i can't escape from here"

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Thanks to everyone who participated in our Norman Week, which was organized to show our love for him 🤍 We hope you had as much fun as we did!

Remember that you can still share your work. Don't forget to tag it 🦉

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"You're my precious family, Norman"

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And the last day of our Norman Week has come (⋟﹏⋞)

Show us your work! We will be delighted to see it 🤍
Don't forget to tag it 🦉


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Día 5: Primavera / Etéreo / Sonrisa.

Para este día quise recrear su "sonrisa de primavera"

Como la primer sonrisa que nos da así como su última sonrisa, y de nuevo la primer sonrisa que le da a su familia en mucho tiempo. 💙💛💙

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Día 4: Invierno / Minerva /Deber.

Mientras hacía este dibujo oía "Oh Ana" de Mother Mother, siento que quedaba con la situación de norman y su deber de convertirse en un "dios".

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Our Norman Week is almost over! 🥺 If you haven't participated yet, you still have time! 🤍

Remember to add the hasthtag 🦉 to your fanart, fanfic, photo, etc.


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día a 3: Soledad / Encierro / Lambda 7214

Norman es simbolizado en el manga como una pieza de rey de ajedrez

"Si es por su bien, me usaré a mi mismo para hacer cualquier cosa". Norman haría lo que fuera para proteger a Emma aún si eso implica hacerse un genocida

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día 2: Tristeza/Envío / Realidad

La escena en la que norman dice que desesperadamente quiere vivir, realmente me llegó 💙

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día 1: Felicidad / Hogar / Familia
Me hubiera gustado hacer a los demás de gracefield, lamda, goldy pond y aayy son tantos en su familia, pero ellos tres tienen algo especial 💚💙🧡

Ig: https://t.co/xCZRmdqngw

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Remember that it's not necessary to participate every day. Don't be shy and share your work with us! You still have time to join us! 🤍

Don't forget to add the hashtag to your work 🦉


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Day 4: Winter
Minerva - Duty

Norman adopted the investiture of Minerva, thus raising the banner of revolution. To lead the cattle children to freedom, he had to bury his warmth to do his duty, turning his life into a perpetual winter.

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We're already in the middle of our Norman Week. We hope you are having as much fun as we are! 🤍

Don't forget to add the hashtag to your work 🦉🌙


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Remember that you can still join us!
You can upload your work (fanart, fanfic, photo, etc.) even if the prompt day has already passed 🤍

Don't forget to tag it!


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Don't forget to add the hashtag to your work 🤍


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Día 1: Felicidad (Hogar -Familia ) 💙

•El podría sentirse enfermo y solo ,pero no era así pues detrás de esa puerta estaban las personas que lo hacían sentir feliz y acompañado con calidez.

•No soy buena dibujando pero vamos a hacer lo mejor 😊😉

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