How the heck you think my costume resembles flag of NORWAY?!

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How in the heck did Purgatori end up in Norway? Find out in this sneak peek of Purgatori from

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My work for Utrop newspaper: "Home to Gambia?", "Home to Norway?" It is something of a balancing act to satisfy other people's predetermined ideas about where you "come from" ... Meetings and words help to create a feeling of belonging, or not belonging...

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What was unusual about the Henriksen family in Norway? -

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Happy birthday Did you know that he was described as the most handsome man in Norway? "Norway may rest assured; its 'most handsome man' is once more happy and laughing" can we read in the Norwegian paper Dagbladet. 'Starry Night'

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Did you know that was described as the handsomest man in Here are some of his self-portraits for you to judge...

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