respect pronouns? I dont even respect my own

1 21

People calling me "it" in response to me saying my preferred pronouns are they/them will never not be funny. Wow you sure owned me?? Using gender non conforming pronouns???

4 49

Oh look, ish Myra! Little info: Myra is a transformation of my OC Myri, not a separate character (look at my pinned tweet for that). Was trying different hairstyles and just ended up giving her that one. And yes, she a futa She smexy! ✨ Pronouns? They're she/her, yeh

5 25

"what are your pronouns?" overwatch edition

1 23

Why did i read this as "What are your pronouns?"??? wtf 💀💀💀💀💀💀

0 7

"WTF is That’s the question we sought to answer in this crazy video."

Multiple styles + snappy elevate by &


1 4

"WTF is That’s the question we sought to answer in this crazy video."

Multiple styles + snappy elevate by &


2 8

“i dont mind any, but i prefer my name more. and what about your pronouns?”

0 0

Cosmo the Koala
Coming out as NON-BINARY

"THANK YOU for helping me gather the CROPS today. You were acting STRANGE all day however; was there something wrong? Oh! You use THEY/THEM PRONOUNS? That's perfectly fine! Lets go get some HONEY."

0 0

Out of curiosity, I know in this remake we can have non-binary protagonists, and I noticed on the wiki, Nami’s page uses they/them. Can you confirm whether or not Nami is non-binary in the remake so I can use the right pronouns?

0 0

was just made aware of Power csm and i have just a couple questions
- pronouns?
- adult? (if yes, follow-up: single?)
eagerly awaiting news

0 4

''Cool! whatre your pronouns?''
as soon as you tell him he gives you a thumbs up and starts talking about Pokémon lore

0 4

you’re telling me that i should’ve known this character who was onscreen for around 1 min and 30 seconds in their first appearance goes by they / them when we LITERALLY did not know their name or pronouns?


1 2

“Oh how amazing! I’ve always been one for expressing myself regardless of gender! Tell me, what are your pronouns? I want to respect you as much as I can.”

0 16

"Omg, I'm so proud of you! What are your pronouns?"

0 18

13. Liz Willians
Blue hair AND pronouns?!?!!, Up to no good

0 2

Redesigning the Lavellan in my Four Inquisitors AU (the others will get redesigns too, they’re just the first to receive one) things could change, but I’ll leave it at this for now (also should it just be they/them or all of the pronouns?)

5 22