The 2nd theme:

With psychopaths, truly evil people like Noxus, you don't add traits. You take them away.

Take away empathy, the ability to see love.

Noxus cant see that the evil ritual he had was just a bunch of gross games some kids were playing.

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Was talking with Darkon on how we could have ended on the Allen/Viola/Russel scene but that would have been such a downer.

We gotta chill, it's Mogloween, no big bummers 😂😂

And we get to be mean to Noxus some more.

Stomp. Stomp.

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Kindness is paid back in kind.

As bad as the times may seem, there will always be kind people out there. No one's really alone. It's just about reaching out, and reaching for.

So I took that theme and MASSIVELY toned it down in the Mogloween release

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Quest 10 and CS 4 - Salt Water Finale

They come hand in hand.

On the themes of this story, I thought about what I wanted this story to say. What is heart of it?

The Authors knew that the Deva would outlive them. What then? Who will take care of him?

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One more mention about the cutscene, this part was cute

I wasn't sure how she was going to shield them, but it turned out so good!

The bit with the Deva tearing up too! I imagined it like how a baby would feel,waking up and not seeing a stranger instead of their mom

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-- but he slept for longer than intended, was nibbled on by parasites, and woke up to kids being threatened by a dusty has-been.

Stomped him like the Keepers.

I could watch that stomping animation on loop.

This face is great,love this face! Kicked-while-down face!

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This one's a simple one, where Noxus thinks it's ingredients but the authors were just feeding their best friend treats.

But some trivia for you about where pink lemonade may have originated from!

Likely just an urban legend but an incredible origin story

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Pretend I got a picture of the Gum Tape Worm coming out of the ground.

They're the banana slugs, snakes, or other regular wormies that burrowed into the Deva's hide to feast

As the name suggests, the Deva would benefit from a trip to the vet.

The kids ate those.

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The monsters are just creepy spoopy at first, but it's slowly revealed that they're animals altered into parasites.

Mooch Treeants, as in they mooch off the Deva.

They used to be normal trees but the roots dug into the Deva's body and sucked up its potent blo*d

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Noxus says he tried to have trees cut down, but they were too tough.

Strangely, the trees bled and the animals only eat meat. Initially, he's mystified.

This was a third concept from an AU that my friends and I were playing with - A forest that itself was a vampire

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I asked myself as I read through the previous releases with him in the present time of AQW -

Would he be good at hiding his identity? Would he have the patience to keep up his guise as an entertainer for children?

imo, no. Not at all tbh.

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Then there is Laidronette who was an OC in the second concept that got combined with the carnival concept.

She turned out so cute!

I picked out the colours and then Alina put it together with a new set that just came in. She added the cute flowers and green tights<3

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What does mean?

It's me combining the names of Noxus and the wicked fairy from the fairy tale "The Green Serpent" named Magotine.

She put a curse on a Princess that turns her the ugliest woman in the world.

A kind King falls in love with her and they get married.

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Hi all!

Hope you had a great Halloween, or are about to have one!

This is the Necrocarnival Writer's Thread - A far more relaxed edition.

Since this was a self-contained event, I can just lay it all out there and go on tangents >:3

Block if this is clogging your TL.

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