I have a sugar glider form (о´∀`о)\
I forgot to post this when I finished drawing (=´∀`)\

2 26

I drew a thing 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
Also here’s one with

3 21

Happy birthday to my fave nut ( ´ ▽ ` )♡
Youre the best nutty, i hope you have an amazing bday!!!

10 24

I finished the spagetti
Now imma do c0mms (о´∀`о)

8 42

I may have forgotten to add the hairclips hehe (//ω//)
but here's gremlin nutmeg
and yis I redid this tweet (o´∀`o)\

3 24

This is really late but this was a gift to my fav Vtuber (*'▽'*)
This took me long to finish bc I wanted it to be good (=´∀`)\

1 20