LimoSiru Pods Case 絶賛発売中🍒

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Late pic for . I'm not utter degenerate, and so I can post something wholesome from time to time.
Tried to simulate markers with coloring.

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Jessie[ca] Hanasaki-
•A Ra Yellow student from Osirus Red
She runs a Ritual Beast Tamer Deck and always manages to run into Judai and his antics, and never ceases to fall in love with his Clconfidence and courage.

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>よければハロウィンカイムくんをお願いします……ニャルラトホテプ付けてもいいんで…… 買いました

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Osirus is a special treasure that we must protect at all costs.
(except i am very mean to him in my story. I am so sorry sweet prince)

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I'm not sure why the thumbnail quality is trash but yes. Osirus wearing crop top was something that needed to happen

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hello yes please look at this drawing i poured my heart into. They're boyfriends and they love each other so much. Osirus and Aditya

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Osirus from 2009, Osirus in 2020 🥰😙😘 I still enjoy Osirus's style from 2009, but definitely hes a better character now <3

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Time for another glow up! Here is Osirus back when he was a bad boi and evolving into best boi. Created in 05/6 ('08-'09-'19-'20) Osirus has made such a mark on me these past few years. I was always obsessed with him back in 07-10 but he kinda disappeared until is revival in '15

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