TW: Horror/ Talk of K*ll*ng and D**th:

There's a moment in Corpse Party [Blood Covered: PSP/PC] where Naho spews out Darkness after being shown she kills her beloved, so I drew that with Jess. She killed Judai.

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Duel Links- Jessie Hanasaki:
I LOVE this one. This was my first digital piece and I've come back to remake it!
She's tiny!

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HeroTamer- Resting my Eyes:
• So ends a day of I love these two so much, they're one of my favorite OCxCanon/Noncanon ships.~

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I've really loved Kokoro's design because it's similar to Jessie's personality. Although, I gotta make some original poses for her. I love the design but, not having every one look alike.

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Jessie[ca] Hanasaki-
•A Ra Yellow student from Osirus Red
She runs a Ritual Beast Tamer Deck and always manages to run into Judai and his antics, and never ceases to fall in love with his Clconfidence and courage.

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You all get to see this before my Insta Insaninites.~
3631 has been let loose for this piece.~
Week 2 piece- Purge

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I went and wrote down her info on the bands and the hot pink one means she basically wanders without giving a heads up and scares the living sh♡t out of people.

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"Look, Look Mr.Mchail! I made you a necklace from ThE SweEtToOtHEd F^cKeRs tHaT ATe yOuR GiFT! I hope you like it.~♡"

[God she has issues, but I love her.~♡]

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"Why don't you J O I N me?~"
Her grin seemed to cut through skin itself,
"It's much more F U N being I N S A N E!~"

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I've returned my OC back to its usual happy go lucky self in the Hello Happy World! outfit from Bang Dream!

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What's a new character without the mother and father beginning?~
Of course Judai would be overly excited to be a father, he would love the challenge.~

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Hajime Hanasaki Yuki is the ship child of Judai Yuki and Jessie Hanasaki.
Hoo, boy does this kid have a rough lineage of trauma;;;;

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My two new digital pieces.~
I tried my hand at pastel gore using Patient 3631 and I love it!~♡
The colors and the subtle horror behind it.~

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