

264 1831


- R vlperor hud wxgr sud plp

235 1468

[🕯️Agatha Volkomenn/]

''Eai...sentiram saudade!?''

Ajudinha no RT🔁+❤️, brigado meus queridos!

269 1775

[📷Thiago Fritz/]

''Flames they licked the walls...
Tenderly they turned to dust all that I adore...''

218 1344

[🥇Jouie Joukie/]

''Do you understand that we will never be the same again...?
The future's in our hands and we will never be the same again...
The future's in our hands and we will never be the same again...''

206 1405

[🎸Arthur Cervero/]

''You said...we were born with nothing
And we sure as hell have nothing now...
(You said) we were born with nothing
And we sure as hell have nothing now...''

196 1079

[🔎Elizabeth Webber/]

''I was the match and you were the rock
Maybe we started this fire...
We sat apart and watched
All we had burned on the pyre...''

198 1134

[💪Christopher Cohen/]

''...I read them all one day
When loneliness came and you were away
Oh they told me nothing new,
But I love to read the words you used...''

191 1085

[💻Cesar Cohen/]

''We sat and made a list
Of all the things that we have..
Down the backs of table tops
Ticket stubs and your diaries...''

208 1378


- O Joe se transformandinho em Luzidio foi muito lindinho!

Ajudinha no RT🔁+❤️, brigado meus queridos!!

386 1792

Galera...faz um tempo que um peregrino apareceu do nada aqui me chamando pra ir para um tal de Santo Berço. Mano, pensa num lugar MARAVILHOSO, eles tem MANTEIGA NA MANTEIGA! vocês não tem ideia o quanto isso é bom! Tô AMANDO aqui!
[Persona do Santo Berço☁️]

71 522

Mais uma do -
Eu chorei d+ com essa cena incrível, tentei retratar como seria..
Ajudinha no RT🔁+❤

18 89