A little late but the colored version for Day 5: Carry Me

Anakin—injured—is always pleasantly shocked at Obi-Wan’s display of physical strength that he so often downplays

110 504

Day 07: Padawans
both are padawans, they usually train together but Obi-Wan realises Anakin is playing him since Bant told him about the Senator Amidala affair. Anakin is surprised Obi-Wan doesn't meet him at the Kata and instead is at the pool with Bant.

9 58

Day 06: Force Dyad AU
I've actually done so many FD drawings already... that I chose to do a mirrored verysion of the Reylo kiss that revives Kylo XD so, yeah. Anakin dies trying to take down Palpatine, and Obi-Wan takes over.

26 119

Day 05: Apologies
Anakin regrets the pain he has inflicted upon his former Master.

53 294

Day 01: Secret Meeting
After a mission, Anakin reaches the Negotiator in his Jedi Starfighter just to be with Obi-Wan.

53 228